It’s a cleaner way to clear clogged drains. The Spin-Thru contains a 25 feet by 1/4” (6 mm) spring that’s fed out of the drum into the line, keeping it away from clean kitchen and bathroom surfaces. There is a “T” grip handle for more convenient use in laundry tubs and other hard to reach drains. Complete directions on back of card.
R-25SM Spin-Thru is an easy to use, versatile and economical hand driven drain cleaner for 1 1/4 to 2 inch drains.
Convenient ‘T’ Grip Handle and Drive Knob for easy turning, and full sized Thumb Screw Chuck to control the cable.
Comes complete with 25 feet by 1/4″ inch General Pipe Cleaners cable designed for 1-1/4″ to 2″ lines.
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